Dr. Petra Kern
Media Coverage
Innovative. Authentic. Resourceful.
Autism Weekly, Music Therapy Chronicles, Music Therapy Connections, Music Therapy Research Blog, Janice Lindstrom Blogtalkradio, Music Therapy Today, Raising Playfull Tots, Music Therapy Source, Voices, Musiktherapeutische Umschau, FPG Voices
Interviews, Podcasts, Internet Radio Shows
Contact Dr. Petra Kern
for an interview related to music therapy AND
Creative Ideas for Early Childhood Educators and Parents
Engaging Online Teaching and Outdoor Practice
Interactive ePublications for students and professionals
Kern, P., & Humpal, M. (2023, December 8). Music-based tips to ease the season of joy for children with autism. JKP Blog. https://blog.jkp.com
Kern, P., Bolton, D., Shina, E., & Ruffner, A. (2022, Auguts 30). Music therapy in infant and early childhood mental health [Webinar]. 2022 imagine Spotlight Webinar Series. www.musictherapy.biz/webinars
Skibitsky, J. (Host). (2022, April 6). Music therapy and autism. (no. 83) [Audio/Video podcast episode]. Autism Weekly. https://autismweekly.podbean.com/e/music-therapy-and-autism-with-dr-petra-kern-83/
Schneck, J., & Kern, P. (2022, April 19). Practice analysis: Your questions answered [Webinar]. 2022 CBMT Spotlight Webinar Series. www.musictherapy.biz/webinars
Kern, P. (2021, October 5).USA: ECMT online service delivery [Webinar]. 2021 imagine Webinar Series. www.musictherapy.biz/webinars
Kern, P., Humpal, M. (2021, April 20). Practice guidelines: Strategies that work [Webinar]. 2021 ASD Webinar Series. www.musictherapy.biz/webinars
Kern, P. (2021, April 6). New essentials: ECMT and ASD [Webinar]. 2021 ASD Webinar Series. www.musictherapy.biz/webinars
Caiati, T. (Host). (2020, August 12). imagine.magazine: Petra Kern, Ph.D., MT-BC, MTA, DMtG and Dana Bolton, MEd., MMT, MT-BC (no. 66) [Audio podcast episode]. Music Therapy Chronicles. https://lnkd.in/g2UmvqZ
Kern, P., (2020, August 6). COVID-19 macht aus Treffen in Pretoria den ersten musiktherapeutischen Online-Weltkongress [COVID-19 turns meeting in Pretoria into the first online music therapy world congress]. Deutsche Music Therapy Gesellschaft. https://www.musiktherapie.de/blog/in-eigener-sache/2020/08/polyrhythms-weltkongress-musiktherapie-online-aus-suedafrika/
Rambach, R. (2020). Preparing the next generation of innovators: An interview with Petra Kern. In Rambach, R. (Ed.). Innovative income music therapists: Beyond direct services & private practice. https://store.listenlearnmusic.com/product/innovative-income-for-music-therapists-book/
Kern, P. (2018). ParentsCan: Tips for using music with your family [Webinar]. Parents Education and Advocacy Training (PEATC). https://www.youtube.com/user/PEATCVirginia
Kern, P. (2018). Strengthening inclusive early childhood programs with music therapy strategies: The director’s role in tuning up music to turn on inclusion [Webinar]. Early Childhood Investigators Webinar Series. https://www.earlychildhoodwebinars.com/webinar-resources/
Knight A., & LaGasse B. (Hosts). (2017, November 6). Petra Kern and Daniel Tague (No. 23) [Audio podcast episode]. MTRB. http://www.musictherapyresearchblog.com/mtrb-23-petra-kern-daniel-tague/
Lindstrom, J. (2016, April, 29). Intercultural competences in music therapy and beyond. [Interview]. Music Therapy Show. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mtshow/2016/04/29/intercultural-competences-in-music-therapy-and-beyond
Lindstrom, J. (2015, October 23). AMTA’s strategic priority on ASD [Interview]. Music Therapy Show. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mtshow/2015/10/23/amtas-strategic-priority-on-asd
Kennedy, R. (2015). Music therapy in the 21st century: An interview with Dr. Petra Kern. Music Therapy Today, 11(1), 142-149. https://issuu.com/presidentwfmt/docs/mtt_11_1__2015_5-1-2015_final/142
Lindstrom, J. (2015, April 17). Virtual students: Lessons learned from online teaching [Interview]. Music Therapy Show. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mtshow/2015/04/17/virtual-students-lessons-learned-from-online-teaching
Kern, P., Parrish, E., Parsons, A., Manis, A., Stephens, M., Norris, K., Ehmling, A., & Carter, B. (2014, December 15). Gaining cultural awareness. World Federation of Music Therapy. http://www.wfmt.info/2014/12/15/gaining-cultural-awareness/
Kern, P. (2014, August 1). Click, browse, and discover. World Federation of Music Therapy. http://www.wfmt.info/2014/08/01/click-browse-and-discover/
Avila, M. (Host). (2014, May 16). What interactive media and apps for my playful tot? [Audio podcast]. Raising Playful Tots. http://raisingplayfultots.com/podcast/what-interactive-media-and-apps-for-my-playful-tot
Fulton, K. (2014, February 11). VIP interview with Petra Kern [Video]. YouTube. http://youtu.be/W8Umv0KQZwE
Kim, S.-A. (2014). 13th WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy: The conference organizers – An interview with Petra Kern, Annie Heiderscheit, Youngshin Kim, & Kyungsuk Kim. Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 14(1). https://voices.no/index.php/voices/article/view/749/629
Stachyra, K. (2013). Memories from Brisbane: An interview with Petra Kern. Voices, 13(1). https://normt.uib.no/index.php/voices/article/view/706/592
Das, K., & Kern, P. (2013, September 1). Drum games for preschoolers in inclusive settings (no. 4) [Audio podcast episode]. imagine. https://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz/drum-games-for-preschoolers-in-inclusive-settings/
Lindstrom, J. (2012, October 26). Early childhood music therapy and autism [Interview]. Music Therapy Radio Show. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mtshow/2012/10/26/early-childhood-music-therapy-and-autsim
Knight A. & LaGasse B. (Hosts). (2012, January 11). Dr. Petra Kern [Audio podcast]. MTRB. https://www.musictherapyresearchblog.com/dr-petra-kern/
Haslbeck, F. (2010). Musiktherapie als wissenschaftsbasierte Gesundheitsprofession staerken! Interview mit Dr. Petra Kern zur Arbeit der World Federation of Music Therapy. [Music therapy as evidence-based health profession! Interview with Dr. Petra Kern about the work of the World Federation of Music Therapy.] Musiktherapeutische Umschau 31(4), 382–388.
Harris, J. (2010, December 10). Music therapy students [Interview]. Music Therapy Show. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jharrismtbc/2010/12/10/music-therapy-students.
Avila, M. (Host). (2010, July 7). How we can be playful with music [Audio podcast]. Raising Playful Tots. http://raisingplayfultots.com/uncategorized/raising-playful-tots-show-32-how-we-can-be-playful-with-music
Harris, J. (2010, October 15). imagine [Interview]. Music Therapy Show. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jharrismtbc/2010/10/15/imagine-with-dr-petra-kern
Logan, M. (2010, January 10, 17, 24). Global perspectives – An interview with Dr. Petra Kern [Interviews]. Music Therapy Source. http://www.musictherapysource.com/?s=Petra+Kern
Harris, J.(2009, December 12). World Federation of Music Therapy [Interview]. Music Therapy Show. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jharrismtbc/2009/12/12/world-federation-of-music-therapy
Zimmerman, T. (Host). (2008, June 29). Music eases transitions and encourages learning [Audio podcast]. http://www.unc.edu/fpg/fpgvoices/FPGVoices_MusicTherapy_June2008.mp3/
Kern, P., & Knox, C. (Co-Hosts). (2024, June). Healthcare Webinar: Music Therapy in the NICU [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting and National Inistute for Infant and Child Medical Music Therapy. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publisher
Kern, P. (Host). (2024, June). imagine Webinar: Celebrating NICU Music Therapy [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publisher
Kern, P. (Host). (2024, March). Eligibility Assessment Webinars [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publisher
Kern, P. (Host). (2023, January). NICU Webinars: The Power of Music Therapy in Neonatal Care [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publisher
Kern, P. (Host). (2023, September). imagine Webinars: Adaptive Music Making [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publisher
Kern, P. (Host). (2023, January). Dementia Webinars: Elevating Lives through Music [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publisher
Kern, P. (Host). (2022, August–September). imagine Webinars: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publisher
Kern, P. (Host). (2022, February–March). Healthcare Webinars: Trends in Music Therapy [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publisher
Kern, P. (Host). (2022, February–March). Healthcare Webinars: Trends in Music Therapy [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publishe
Kern, P. (Host). (2021, October–December). imagine.magazine [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publisher
Kern, P. (Host). (2021, April–June). Music Therapy and ASD [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publisher
Kern, P. (Host). (2021, January–March). NICU Music Therapy [Webinar Series]. Music Therapy Consulting. https://musictherapy.biz/de-la-vista-publisher
Kern, P. (Host). (2007, July). Surrounded by soundscapes: An afternoon talk with R. Murray Schafer [Audio Podcast]. Music Therapy Today, 8(2). http://musictherapyworld.net
Kern, P. (Host). (October 2006). Rhythm is the source of all existence: An interview with percussionist Greg Ellis [Audio podcast]. Music Therapy Today, 7(3). http://musictherapyworld.net
Kern, P. (Host). (2006, July). Biomedical music therapy: Research-based foundation of the effects of music – An interview with Dale Taylor [Audio Podcast]. Music Therapy Today, 7(2). http://musictherapyworld.net
Kern, P. (Host). (2006, March). Connecting and learning through music: Music therapy for young children with visual impairments and their families – An interview with Peggy Codding [Audio Podcast]. Music Therapy Today, 7(1). http://musictherapyworld.net
Kern, P. (Host). (2005, July). Not one day without a smile: Music therapy in early childhood education – An interview with Marcia Humpal [Audio Podcast]. Music Therapy Today, 6(5). http://musictherapyworld.net
Kern, P. (Host). (2004, November). Research involving human participants: Ethical and legal considerations – An interview with Mary Boyle [Audio Podcast]. Music Therapy Today, 5(5). http://musictherapyworld.net
Kern, P. (Host). (2004, August). Making friends in music: Including children with autism in an interactive play setting [Audio Podcast]. Music Therapy Today, 5(4). http://musictherapyworld.net
Kern, P. (Host). (2004, March). Bridging the ordinary and alternate realities: Talking to anthropologist Dr. Felicitas D. Goodman [Audio Podcast]. Music Therapy Today, 5(2). http://musictherapyworld.net.
Kern, P. (Host). (2004, January). From the heart we learn wisdom – An interview with Sr. Donna Marie Beck [Audio Podcast]. Music Therapy Today, 5(1). http://musictherapyworld.net
Kern, P. (Host). (2003, April). The instrument allows you to speak through it – Interview with jazz guitarist Steve Abshire [Audio Podcast]. Music Therapy Today 4(2). http://musictherapyworld.net
Autism Weekly
Episode #83. Music Therapy and Autism with Dr. Petra Kern
This week we welcome Dr. Petra Kern, a board-certified music therapist with over 28 years of experience to the podcast. Dr. Kern has taught over 400 students, contributed to 84 publications, and has given over 160 presentations. On today’s podcast, we will talk about music therapy and how it might be able to help children on the spectrum. Dr. Kern is passionate about translating and disseminating research to make music for health and wellness accessible for those who could benefit from it.
Published by
Jeff Skibitsky on May 6, 2022 www.autismweeklypodbean.com