Dr. Petra Kern
Thought-Provoking. Engaging. Worldwide.
World Congress of Music Therapy, American Music Therapy Association Conference, European Confederation of Music Therapy Congress, Online Conference for Music Therapists, National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute, Division for Early Childhood Conference, Verbier Music Festival, Fulbright Perú
Keynotes, Spotlight Sessions, MTex, Insitutes, Symposia, Roundtables, World Café, Fireplace Chats, Workshops, Sessions, Posters
Recent Presentations

Kern, P., Castillo, L. A., & Vásquez, A. (2025, May 13–15). Voices of Inclusion: Beneficiary and Parent Perspectives from Sinfonía por el Perú [Conference session]. International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC, United States. https://inclusioninstitute.fpg.unc.edu/
Kern, P. (2024, November 7). Eine neue Ära der Arbeit: KI in künstlerischen Therapien [A new area of work: AI in art-based therapies] [Ringvorlesung/Lecture Rounds]. #digiarthe. https://www.digiarthe.org/
Kern, P. (2024, October 3). Sinfonía por er Perú: Embracing full inclusion in music edcuation [Facebook and Instragram Live session]. Fulbright Perú. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?extid=CL-UNK-UNK-UNK-IOS_GK0T-GK1C&mibextid=v7YzmG&ref=watch_permalink&v=1015858186944572
Kern, P. & Tague, D. B. (2024, September 13). Mapping the global music therapy landscape: Getting user input to move forward [Concurrent session]. Music Therapy New Zealand 50. Anniversary Celebrations. https://www.musictherapy.org.nz/whats-happening/50-years/
Kern, P. (2024, August 17–17). Exploring innovations in music therapy. [2-Day workshop]. Lativan Music Therapy Association. https://muzikasterapija.lv/en/latvian-music-therapy-association/
Kern, P. & Tague, D. B. (2024, April 15). Elevate survey designs: Building the blueprint for success [Concurrent session]. Western Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference. https://www.wramta.org
Tague, D. B. & Kern, P. (2024, March 1). Ten best survey design tips [Concurrent session]. Southwestern Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference. https://swamta.org/
Kern, P. (2023, November 11). Digital Music Therapy: Adapt, Re-tool, Innovate [Keynote]. Fachtagung Digital Dimensions in Music Therapy. Berlin University of the Arts. Germany. https://www.udk-berlin.de/fileadmin/2_dezentral/FR_Musiktherapie/dokumente/Flyer_Fachtagung_Musiktherapie_2023.pdf
Kern, P. (2023, October, 28). Digital Music Therapy: Adapt, Re-tool, Innovate [Workshop]. AMTA2023 EngagED: Online Professional Development Forum for Allied Health. https://www.austmta.org.au/eventdetails/20069/amta2023-engaged-online-professional-development-forum-for-allied-health
Tague, D. B. & Kern, P. (2023, July 24–29). Seven best survey design tips [Fireside chat]. World Federation of Music Therapy 17th Congress, Vancouver, Canada. https://www.wcmt2023.org/
Knott, D., Kern, P., & Block, S. 2023, July 24–29). Digital music therapy 2.0: Reflecting, connecting, and innovating with the global community [World Cafe]. World Federation of Music Therapy 17th Congress, Vancouver, Canada. https://www.wcmt2023.org/
Kern, P., Register, D., Chimpiboon, P., Selvarajah, I. V., Ramesh, B., Putri, K. K., Philip, S., & Cruel, C. R. (2023, July 24–29). Better together: Building an international support network [Roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 17th Congress, Vancouver, Canada. https://www.wcmt2023.org/
Ruffner, A., & Kern, P. (2023, July 24–29). imagine presents…Reflecting to innovate in early childhood music therapy [Fireside Chat]. World Federation of Music Therapy 17th Congress, Vancouver, Canada. https://www.wcmt2023.org/
Kern, P., & Gooding, L. (2023, July 24–29). Music therapy telepractice: Should I stay or should I go? [Pre-Congress workshop]. World Federation of Music Therapy 17th Congress, Vancouver, Canada. https://www.wcmt2023.org/
Kern, P. (2022, September 23–25). Music Therapy 2.0: Expanding early childhood services in a digital world [Workshop]. Symposium Music Therapy with Families. University of Music and Performing Arts. Vienna. Austria. https://www.mdw.ac.at/mt-family/
Register, D., Kern, P., Putri, K., Ramesh, B., Phillips, S., Selvarajah, S., Cruel, C., and Chimpiboon, P. (2022, August 12–13). Towards international student mobility and clinical internship opportunities across the region: Problem solving and solutions [Concurrent session]. University Putra Malaysia’s Music Therapy Symposium. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Gooding, L., & Kern, P. (2022, August 12–13). Evidence-based practice and the role of research in laying the groundwork for accreditation and regulation. [Concurrent session]. University Putra Malaysia’s Music Therapy Symposium. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Kern, P. (2022, August 12–13). Music therapy worldwide: Preparing for a new era. [Plenary session]. University Putra Malaysia’s Music Therapy Symposium. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2022, June 8–12). Walk and Talk: Investigating Boundary-Breaking Music Therapy Education [Conference session]. European Music Therapy Confederation. Edinburgh, Schottland. https://www.qmu.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/emtc-2022/
Kern, P. (2022, April 26–28). Music-mediated interventions: Inclusion practice in a digital world [Conference session]. International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC, United States. https://inclusioninstitute.fpg.unc.edu/session-list
Kern, P., Thompson, S., & VanCorbach M. (2022, March 7–11). Digital music therapy: Students perspective on online education, telepractice, and eSupervision [Conference session]. Western Region of the American Music Therapy Association Conference, Seattle, WA, United States. https://www.wramta.org/conference/upcoming-conferences/wramta-2022/
Kern, P. (2021, November, 24). Autism Spectrum Disorder: Making a difference together through music [Expert panel]. Intellectual Discourse Series. Faculty of Human Ecology. University Putra Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Kern, P. (2021, October 21–22). Digital music therapy: Challenges, opportunities, and clinical examples [Keynote session]. Wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft für Künstlerische Therapien [Scientific Society of Creative Art Therapies]. Annual Meeting, Online. http://wfkt.de/wp-52da5-content/uploads/2021/09/Einladung-und-Call-for-posters-Jahrestagung-der-WFKT-2021_final.pdf
Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2021, October 14–17). Struggles, resilience, and dedication: Students’ perception of online learning during COVID-19 [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/events/amta_2021_conference/
Kern, P., Bolton, G. D., Shina, E., Humpal, M., & Ruffner, A. (2021, October 14–17). Unmuted: Telepractice in Early Childhood Music Therapy [Conference Sessions]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/events/amta_2021_conference/
Lee, J. D., Acar, S., Yang, H.-W. Cheng, C.-I., Kern, P., & PinarIrmak, O. H. (2021, September 20 –24). Inclusion worldwide: From international treaties to daily practice [Conference Session]. Division for Early Childhood’s 37nd Annual International Conference, Chicago, IL. https://www.decconference.org
Kern, P., Dolan, K., Thompson, S., VanCorbach, M., & Plotkin, N.. (2021, May 29–June 14). Music therapy telehealth practice: Bridging distance through technology and new skills [Conference session]. Canadian Association of Music Therapy 47th Annual Conference, London, ON, Canada. https://www.musictherapy.ca/events/conference/
Kern, P. (2021, April 10). Music therapists: Your partners on the road to best practice [Conference session]. 14th Annual Virtual Conference on Autism, Fort Myers, FL, United States. https://www.fgcu.edu/cas/communityimpact/promisingpathways/
Kern, P. (2021, March 6–7). Passion with purpose: Music therapists making a difference worldwide [Keynote Presentation]. First International Music Therapy Forum. Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services, Sharjah City, United Arabic Emeritus. https://youtu.be/ZLHPGrHt-cY
Kern, P., Humpal, M., Bolton, G. D., Draper, E., Brown, L., Shina, E, & Schaefer, R. (2019, November 21-24). imagine presents: Media snapshot timeline [Media presentation]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MI, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2019ConferenceProgram_web.pdf
Kern, P. (2019, November 7–9). Towards inclusion: Motivating children of all abilities to learn through music [Paper presentation and workshop]. Madhuram Narayanan Center for Exceptional Children 3rd International Conference, Chennai, India.
Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2019, June 26–30). Moving the profession froward: Advocacy, access, and competitive pay [Congress poster]. European Confederation of Music Therapy 11th Congress, Aalborg, Denmark. https://www.musictherapy.aau.dk/emtc19/
Kern, P., Scullin, E., Self, J., & Beard, K. (2019, June 26–30). Expand your repertoire: Song-based interventions for children of all abilities [Congress workshop]. European Confederation of Music Therapy 11th Congress, Aalborg, Denmark. https://www.musictherapy.aau.dk/emtc19/
Kern, P. (2019, May 7–9). Turn up music to turn on inclusion [Paper presentation]. National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC, United States. https://inclusioninstitute.fpg.unc.edu/sites/inclusioninstitute.fpg.unc.edu/files/programs/Inclusion-Institute-Program-2019.pdf
Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2020, November 19–22). Mastering barriers: Responses from the global music therapy community [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/events/amta_2020_conference/
Schneck, J., & Kern, P. (2020, November 19–22). Passport to excellence: CBMT’s international opportunities [Conference MTex session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/events/amta_2020_conference/
Schneck, J., & Kern, P. (2020, November 19–22). Academic excellence: From CBMT’s 2020 practice analysis to comprehensive testing [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/events/amta_2020_conference/
Kern, P. (2020, July 7–8). Three Essentials: #ECMT & #ASD [Congress session]. World Federation of Music Therapy 16th Congress, Pretoria, South Africa. https://www.up.ac.za/music-therapy-2020/#nogo
Kern, P., Viljoen, H., Birch, J., Foster, K., Riedl, H., Register, D., Sato, K., & Federico, G. (2020, July 7-8). The ABCs of early childhood music therapy worldwide [Congress roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 16th Congress, Pretoria, South Africa. https://www.up.ac.za/music-therapy-2020/#nogo
Schneck, J., & Kern, P. (2020, July 7–8). Passport to excellence: CBMT’s international opportunities [Congress session]. World Federation of Music Therapy 16th Congress, Pretoria, South Africa. https://www.up.ac.za/music-therapy-2020/#nogo
Kern, P., Tague, D., Kock, K., Rickson, D., Bukowska, A., Federico, G., Sato, K., Putri, K., & Gooding, L. (2020, July 7–8). Conflicting rhythms: Mastering barriers of music therapy worldwide [Congress roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 16th Congress, Pretoria, South Africa. https://www.up.ac.za/music-therapy-2020/#nogo
Kern, P. (2020, July 7–8). Intergenerational music therapy: Impact on young children and older adults [Congress poster]. World Federation of Music Therapy 16th Congress, Pretoria, South Africa.
Detmer, R. M., & Kern, P. (2017, November 16–19). Intergenerational music therapy: Preliminary results from a randomized controlled study [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2017FinalProgram_sm.pdf
Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2017, November 16–19). Evaluating music therapy practice statuses and trends worldwide [Conference poster]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2017FinalProgram_sm.pdf
Kern, P., Humpal, M., Chardos Benner, G., Bolton, D., & Draper, E. (2017, November 16–19). imagine presents: Music therapist as media mentors [Conference roundtable]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2017FinalProgram_sm.pdf
Gooding, L., Kern, P., & Leonard, H. (2017, November 16–19). Advancing diversity in music therapy education [MTex presentation]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2017FinalProgram_sm.pdf
Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2017, November 16–19). International survey study: Where does AMTA stand? [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2017FinalProgram_sm.pdf
Abad, V., Thomas, D., Stegeman, T., Kern, P., & Chung, K. (2017, July 3–8). Economics and therapy: Inspiring music therapists to work between these [Congress roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 15th Congress, Tsukuba, Japan. https://www.jmta.jp/world/music_15/en/information/
Kern, P., Mori-Inoue, S., Sato, K., Yamaura, K., Shiokawa, K., Katagiri, J., & Chiashi, M. (2017, July 3–8). Inspiring students, practitioner, and academics across generations and nations [Congress symposium]. World Federation of Music Therapy 15th Congress, Tsukuba, Japan. https://www.jmta.jp/world/music_15/en/information/
Tague, D., & Kern, P. (2017, July 3–8). Evaluating music therapy practice statuses and trends worldwide [Congress poster]. World Federation of Music Therapy 15th Congress, Tsukuba, Japan. https://www.jmta.jp/world/music_15/en/information/
Kern, P., Steiner, A., & Detmer, M. R.,Tague, D., & UofL/SMU Students (2017, July 3–8). Tuneful interventions: Developing skills and autonomy of children with disabilities [Congress workshop]. World Federation of Music Therapy 15th Congress, Tsukuba, Japan. https://www.jmta.jp/world/music_15/en/information/
Steiner, A., Kern, P., Detmer, Detmer, M. R., & Gooding, L. (2017, July 3–8). Creating music therapy jobs: Program development, private practice, and university clinic [Congress symposium]. World Federation of Music Therapy 15th Congress, Tsukuba, Japan. https://www.jmta.jp/world/music_15/en/information/
Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2017, July 3–8). It’s time to share the data: Outcomes of the international survey study [Congress session]. World Federation of Music Therapy 15th Congress, Tsukuba, Japan. https://www.jmta.jp/world/music_15/en/information/
Detmer, M. R., Kern, P., Jacobi-Vessels, J., & King, K. M. (2017, July 3–8). Intergenerational music therapy: Bridging the generational gap through community-based music making [Congress session]. World Federation of Music Therapy 15th Congress, Tsukuba, Japan. https://www.jmta.jp/world/music_15/en/information/
Kern, P., Sato, K., Federico, G., Poopityastaporn, P., Stachyra, K. (2017, July 3–8). The color of us: Moving forward with inclusion programming worldwide [Congress roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 15th Congress, Tsukuba, Japan. https://www.jmta.jp/world/music_15/en/information/
Kern, P., Miller, A., Draper, E., Chardos-Benner, G., & Bolton, D. (2017, March 29–31). imagine presents…: Happy writers–happy readers [Conference workshop]. Southeastern Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, United States. https://www.ser-amta.org
Standley, J., Kern, P., Cevasco-Trotter, A., DeLoach, D., Gooding, L., & Yinger, O. (2017, March 29–31). #MTCANN!: It’s all about improving children and families’ lives [Conference session]. Southeastern Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, United States. https://www.ser-amta.org
Kern, P., Whelan, M., Hankin, H., Powers, E., & Weeks, G. (2016, November 10–13). Lifeline of today’s World: Intercultural competences in music therapy and beyond [Conference chair presents]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Sandusky, OH, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2016ConfProgram_final.pdf
Kern, P., Humpal. M., Anzel, R., Chardos Benner, G., Bolton, D., & Miller, A. (2016, November 10–13). imagine presents: Advocacy for early childhood music therapy [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Sandusky, OH, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2016ConfProgram_final.pdf
Kern, P., Detmer, M., & Hankin H. (2016, October 18–20). Every child succeeds: Supporting early learning and development through music [Conference marketplace]. Division for Early Childhood’s 32nd Annual International Conference, Louisville, KY, United States. https://www.decconference.org
Kern, P. (2016, September, 3–5). Music therapy and ASD: Updates and trends [Post-conference workshop]. Association for Music Therapists Singapore Inaugural Special Education–Music Therapy Conference, Singapore. http://musictherapy.org.sg
Kern, P. (2016, September 3–5). Beyond the music therapy room: Providing music therapy services in clients’ natural environments [Paper presentation]. Association for Music Therapists Singapore Inaugural Special Education–Music Therapy Conference, Singapore. http://musictherapy.org.sg
Kern, P. (2016, September 3–5). Early childhood music therapy: Supporting children and families worldwide [Keynote address]. Association for Music Therapists Singapore Inaugural Special Education–Music Therapy Conference, Singapore. http://musictherapy.org.sg
Kern, P. (2016, May 10–12). All children can make music: Access, participation, and supports in the outdoor environment [Paper presentation]. National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC, United States. https://inclusioninstitute.fpg.unc.edu/sites/inclusioninstitute.fpg.unc.edu/files/programs/2016-Final-Program.pdf
Humpal. M., Kern, P., & LaGasse, B. (2015, November 12–15). Music therapy and ASD – We have the scoop and tools for you [Conference CMTE course]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2015FinalProgram.pdf
Kern, P., Jellison, J., Humpal. M., Schwartzberg, T., & Steiner, A. (2015, November 12–15). Think inclusion: The science, heart, and its value [Conference CMTE course]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2015FinalProgram.pdf
Kern, P., Schwartz, E., Weldon-Stephens, A., Nemeth, J., Catalano, P. (2015, November 12–15). Try it out: EBP strategies that matter for Individuals with ASD [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2015FinalProgram.pdf
LaGasse, B., Humpal, M., & Kern, P. (2015, November 12–15). Music therapy and ASD: Tools for educators [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2015FinalProgram.pdf
Kern, P., Snell, A., Swedberg Yinger, O., Robertson, A., & George, J. (2015, November 12–15). Documentation in music therapy: How to be effective, consistent, and thoughtful [Conference Mini Institute]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2015FinalProgram.pdf
Mildford, J., Kern, P., & Sandjaja, I. (2015, September 18–20). WFMT a global community: Explore, connect, engage [Conference session]. Australian Music Therapy Association 41st National Conference, Sydney, Australia. https://www.austmta.org.au/event/amta-national-conference-and-pds
Kern, P. (2015, September 18–20). Community inclusion: Access, participation, and supports through music therapy [Conference session]. Australian Music Therapy Association 41st National Conference, Sydney, Australia. https://www.austmta.org.au/event/amta-national-conference-and-pds
Kern, P. (2015, March 12–15). All children together: Successful inclusion programming in music therapy [Conference session]. Western Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, San Jose, CA, United States. https://www.wramta.org
Kern, P. (2015, March 12–15). Skill generalization: Intentional use of apps in music therapy sessions and beyond [Conference session]. Western Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, San Jose, CA, United States. https://www.wramta.org
Kern, P. (2014, November 6–9). Survey of music therapy service provision of individuals with ASD across the United States [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/2014Program.pdf
Humpal, M., & Kern, P. (2014, November 6–9). AMTA’s autism strategic priority on ASD and MT presents: eye-openers and ‘a-ha’ moments [Conference CMTE course]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/2014Program.pdfKern, P., Lindahl Jacobsen, S., Tuomi, T., Georgiadi, E., Stachyra, K., Flower, C., & Stegemann, T. (2014, July 7–12). The color of us: Music therapy for children and families in Europe [Congress roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 14th Congress, Krems, Austria. https://www.wfmt.info/resource-centers/events-center/world-congress/2014-14th-world-congress/
Kern, P. (2014, July 7–12). Teaching today and tomorrow: Rethinking education for an online world. [Congress spotlight session]. World Federation of Music Therapy 14th Congress, Krems, Austria. https://www.wfmt.info/resource-centers/events-center/world-congress/2014-14th-world-congress/
Thomas, D., Ledger, A., Kern, P., Lindahl Jacobsen, S, Abad, V. (2014, July 7–12). Economics of therapy: Clients, colleagues, cash and competition [Congress roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 14th Congress, Krems, Austria. https://www.wfmt.info/resource-centers/events-center/world-congress/2014-14th-world-congress/
Clements-Cortes, A., Behrens, G., Kern, P., Mercadal-Brotons, M., Register, D., & Stegemann, T. (2014, July 7–12). Diversity in education: Music therapy training in various modalities [Congress roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 14th Congress, Krems, Austria. https://www.wfmt.info/resource-centers/events-center/world-congress/2014-14th-world-congress/
Heiderscheit, A., Kern, P., & WFMT Council (2014, July 7–12). WFMT: State of the organization [Congress roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 14th Congress, Krems, Austria. https://www.wfmt.info/resource-centers/events-center/world-congress/2014-14th-world-congress/
Kern, P., Humpal, M., Whipple, J., Martin, L., Snell, A., Walworth, D., Carpente, J., Lim, H. A., & Wakeford, L. (2014, July 7–12). Good, better, best: Recommendations on evidence-based practice for children with autism spectrum disorder [Congress roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 14th Congress, Krems, Austria. https://www.wfmt.info/resource-centers/events-center/world-congress/2014-14th-world-congress/
Kern, P. (2014, July 7–12). Beyond the comfort zone: Living & working abroad [Pre-congress seminar]. World Federation of Music Therapy 14th Congress, Krems, Austria. https://www.wfmt.info/resource-centers/events-center/world-congress/2014-14th-world-congress/
Kern, P. (2014, March 27–29). Evidence-based practice: Implications for early childhood music therapy and beyond [Conference session]. Western Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Portland, OR, United States. https://www.wramta.org
Kern, P., Rivera, N., Chandler, A., & Humpal, M. (2013, November 21–24). Giving practitioners a voice: Outcomes of the national survey study on ASD [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/13Final_Program.pdf
Clements-Cortes, A., Kern, P., & Behrens, G. (2013, November 21–24). Contemporary teaching: From the basement to the virtual classroom [Conference panel]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/13Final_Program.pdf
Heiderscheit, A., & Kern, P. (2013, November 21–24). AMTA international relations: Global perspectives WFMT: Building on the past…moving into the future [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/13Final_Program.pdf
Kern, P. (2013, November 21–24). Tap, drag, and swipe: Select the best music app for the task.[Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Jacksonville, FL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/13Final_Program.pdf
Heiderscheit, A., Kern, P., & WFMT Council (2013, August 7–10). Global development of music therapy: WFMT shares FAQs [Congress roundtable]. European Confederation of Music Therapy 9th Congress, Oslo, Norway. www.emtc2013.no
Kern, P. (2013, August 7–10). Are you ready to are young children with autism spectrum disorder? [Congress session]. European Confederation of Music Therapy 9th Congress, Oslo, Norway. www.emtc2013.no
Kern, P., & Story, M. (2013, August 7–10). Innovative teaching: Music therapy students’ engagement and community in online learning [Congress session]. European Confederation of Music Therapy 9th Congress, Oslo, Norway. www.emtc2013.no
Thomas, D., Kern, P., Tuomi, K., & Thomson, G. (2013, August 7–10). Creating a worldwide music therapy with families’ network [Congress roundtable]. European Confederation of Music Therapy 9th Congress, Oslo, Norway. www.emtc2013.no
Kern, P. (2013, April 13). Music to ease transitions and routines [Conference workshop]. Children’s Resources & Referral 12th Annual Child Care Conference, Santa Maria, CA, United States. https://sbfcc.org
Kern, P. (2013, April 4–6). Sharp developments: Practical tips for improving skills in young children with ASD [Conference session]. Western Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Tempe, AZ, United States. https://www.wramta.org
Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2018, November 15–18). Moving the profession froward: Governmental recognition, increased access, and competitive pay [Conference poster]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2018ConferenceProgram_web.pdf
Kern, P., Humpal, M., Whipple, J., Snell, A., Schwartzberg, T., LaGasse, B., Lundeen Smith, L., Lim, Y. , Turry, A. (2018, November 15–18). Early childhood music therapy: Supporting young children with ASD and their families [Conference roundtable]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2018ConferenceProgram_web.pdf
Kern, P., & Tague, D., & UofL/SMU Students (2018, November 15–18). imagine presents: Intervention ideas for young children of all abilities [Conference workshop]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2018ConferenceProgram_web.pdf
Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2018, February 3–4). The world of music therapy in numbers: Outcomes of the international survey [Conference session]. Online Conference for Music Therapists, Annapolis, MD, United State. https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/category/ocmt-2018/.
Kern, P., Humpal, M., Wilson, B., Walworth, D., & Jacobs, L. (2010, November 18–21). imagine: Sharing perspectives and ideas for AMTA’s new early childhood online magazine [Conference roundtable]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2010FinalProgram.pdf
Kern, P., Hamm, E., Fienman, R., Benner, G., & Cummins, M. (2010, November 18–21). AMTAS makes a difference: Sharing success, challenges, and four career paths [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2010FinalProgram.pdf
Kern, P. (2010, November 18–21). Inclusion 2010: Applying the DEC definition to early childhood music therapy [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/2010FinalProgram.pdf
Kern, P. (2010, July 16–August 1). Music as an art and science: Applying music for health and well-being. [Conference keynote]. Verbier Music Festival, Verbier, Switzerland. https://www.verbierfestival.com
Kern, P. (2010, May 5–9). Evidence-based practice in early childhood music therapy: A decision-making process [Congress session]. European Confederation of Music Therapy 8th Congress, Cadiz, Spain.
Kern, P., & WFMT Council Members (2010, May 5–9). Music therapy worldwide: Exploring trends and challenges in research, practice, and education [Congress symposium]. European Confederation of Music Therapy 8th Congress, Cadiz, Spain.
Kern, P. (2012, November 8–10). Considering the evidence: Current music therapy services for young children with autism spectrum disorders [Conference workshop]. Mozart & Science 4th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research into the Effects of Music, Krems, Austria.
Kern, P. (2012, November 8–10). Making sense of evidence-based practice: Recommendations for early childhood music therapy [Conference session]. Mozart & Science 4th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research into the Effects of Music, Krems, Austria.
Kern, P. (2012, October 11–14). Unlimited: Apps starter kit for early childhood music therapists [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Charles, IL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/12ProgramFINALweb.pdf
Choi, B., Kern, P., Heiderscheit, A., Clements-Cortes, A. Behrens, A. Kim, Y., Kim, K., & Gadberry, A. (2012, October 11–14). Supporting music therapy worldwide: Latest WFMT projects and events [Conference roundtable]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Charles, IL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/12ProgramFINALweb.pdf
LaGasse, B., Kern, P., & Rivera, N. (2012, October 11–14). Research committee present…music therapy and autism: Combining multiple research perspectives to advance our knowledge [Conference panel]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Charles, IL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/12ProgramFINALweb.pdf
Kern, P., Humpal, M., Snell, A. M., Walworth, D., Guerrero, M., & Lim, H. A. (2012, October 11–14). Winds of change: Contemporary aspects of serving young children with ASD [Conference panel]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Charles, IL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/12ProgramFINALweb.pdf
Kern, P. (2012, August 5–8). Tuneful playground interventions: Using music for purposeful outdoor play [Conference session]. Early Childhood Music and Movement Association International Convention, Green Lake, WI, United States. https://ecmma.org
Kern, P. (2012, August 5–8). Tuneful learning experiences: Using music for skill improvement in young children with ASD [Conference special paper]. Early Childhood Music and Movement Association International Convention, Green Lake, WI, United States. https://ecmma.org
Kern, P. (2012, May 14–16). Using music for children’s learning and growth [Paper presentation]. National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute, Chapel Hill, NC, United States. https://inclusioninstitute.fpg.unc.edu/sites/inclusioninstitute.fpg.unc.edu/files/2012/2012_Program.pdf
Kern, P. (2008, November 20–23). Applying evidence-based practice in early childhood music therapy: How Does it work? [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/08_final_program.pdf
Humpal, M., & Kern, P. (2008, November 20–23). SOS early childhood [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/08_final_program.pdf
Kern, P., Tocantins Sampaio, R., Gilbertson, S., Chung, H. W., & Tait, A. (2008, July 22–26). The color of as: Music therapy for young children around the world [Congress roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 12th Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina. https://www.wfmt.info
Kern, P. (2008, May 1–3). Sounds and music: A bridge for young children with visual impairments. [Conference presentation]. Canadian Association of Music Therapists 34th Annual Conference, Quebec, Canada. https://www.musictherapy.ca
Kern, P. (2008, March 27–28). Tuning into acoustic environments: A student project [Conference session]. Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Cherry Hill, United States. http://mar-amta.org
Kern, P., McLaughlin, B., & Schwartz, E. (2009, November 13–15). SOS early childhood [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/09_program_final.pdf
Kern, P., & McLaughlin, B. (2009, November 13–15). Think green: Applying low-cost and eco-friendly interventions in early childhood music therapy [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/09_program_final.pdf
Kern, P. (2009, October 22–27). Global music therapy: Facing trends and challenges of the 21. century. [Keynote address]. International Forum of Music Therapy on Crisis Intervention, Chengdu, China.
Kern, P. (2009, October 15–18). Tuneful transitions and routines: Using music in children’s daily life [Conference presentation]. Division for Early Childhood 25th Annual International Conference, Albuquerque, NM, United States. https://www.decconference.org
Kern, P. (2009, May 7–9). Songs on the playground: Effective strategies for musical outdoor play. [Conference presentation]. Canadian Association of Music Therapists 35th Annual Conference, Ottawa, Canada. https://www.musictherapy.ca
Kern, P. (2009, March 27–28). Singing our way through the day: Musical transitions and routines for children [Conference session]. Western Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Stockton, CA, United States. https://www.wramta.org
Kern, P. (2009, March 17). Music therapy research for individuals with autism spectrum disorders [Paper presentation]. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Kern, P. (2009, March 17). Global challenges and trends of clinical practice, research, and education in music therapy [Keynote address]. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Inauguration Ceremony of the Bachelor Degree, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Kern, P., & Snell, A. (2006, November 16–19). New adventures: Cutting edge music interventions on the playground [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/06_final_programR.pdf
Kern, P., & Snell, A. (2006, November 16–19). New adventures: Cutting edge music interventions on the playground [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Kansas City, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/06_final_programR.pdf
Kern, P. (2006, November 9–11). Together in music: Evaluating the value of music therapy for children with autism in an inclusive setting [Conference workshop]. Korean Music Therapy Association 10th International Conference, Seoul, Korea.
Kern, P., & Wakeford, L. (2006, June 9–10). Playground inclusion: Using creative arts [Conference session]. Very Special Arts International Conference. Washington, D.C., United Sates.
Kern, P. (2008, May 4–6). You and I, we make music: Including children with autism through music [Conference presentation]. Canadian Association of Music Therapists 32th Annual Conference, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. https://www.musictherapy.ca
Kern, P., Braybrook, R., & Watkiss, R. (2008, May 4–6). From the classroom to clinical practice: Music therapy students’ perspective [Conference presentation]. Canadian Association of Music Therapists 32th Annual Conference, Windsor, Ontario, Canada. https://www.musictherapy.ca
Wakeford, L., & Kern, P. (2006, April 27–30). Supporting outdoor play: A practical and evidence-based approach [Conference session]. American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Charlotte, NC, United States. https://www.aota.org
Kern, P., & Snell, A. (2006, November 16–19). MAPP and more: Music therapy on the playground [Conference session]. Great Lakes Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Detroit, MI, United States. https://www.glr-amta.org
Kern, P., & Lazar, M. (2007, November 14–18). The autism agenda: An evidence-based approach to music therapy [Conference institute]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/AMTA_2007_final_program.pdf
Kern, P., & Wakeford, L. (2007, November 14–18). Playground favorites: An interdisciplinary approach to outdoor play for young children [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/AMTA_2007_final_program.pdf
Kern, P. (2007, August 15–19). Exploring the world through music: Serving infants and toddlers with visual impairments [Congress session]. European Confederation of Music Therapy 7th Congress, Eindhoven, Netherlands. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9178/8a490eae50431408185adb 8426d569466068.pdf
Kern, P. (2007, March 9–10). Music therapists crossing professions: From direct to consultative services [Conference session]. Western Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. https://www.wramta.org
Kern, P., & McIntosh, L. (2007, March 9–10). Music for personal growth and wellness: A pilot study [Conference session]. Western Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. https://www.wramta.org
Kaplan, R., Standley, J. M., Kern, P., Forinash, A., & Cassity, M. D. (2006, November 16–19). Conference chair presents: Innovative research designs and topics [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Kansa City, MO, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/06_final_programR.pdf
Boyle, M. A., Cassity, M. A., Darrow, A.-A., Kern, P., & Standley, J. M. (2005, November 17–20). Beyond fear of failure: Breaking new grounds in clinical practice [Conference panel]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/05_final_program.pdf
Kern, P. (2005, November 17–20). Hear and feel: Music therapy for infants and toddlers with visual impairments [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/05_final_program.pdf
Kern, P. (2005, October). Music for daily life: A community-based approach to music therapy [Paper presentation]. University of Windsor School of Music Take 4 Series, Windsor, Canada.
Kern, P. (2005, October). Enhancing outdoor play: A musical and evidence-based approach [Paper presentation]. Monroe County Intermediate School District Grand Opening of the Music Adventure Playground Project, Monroe, MI, United States.
Kern, P. (2005, July 22–26). Let’s play outside: Providing music therapy services in children’s natural environments [Congress session]. World Federation of Music Therapy 11th Congress, Brisbane, Australia. https://www.wfmt.info
Kern, P., & Wakeford, L. (2005, January). Supporting outdoor play for preschoolers with and without disabilities [Paper presentation]. Day for Day Care, Chapel Hill, NC, United States.
Kern, P. (2004, November 17–21). Beyond clinical practice: Using single subject experimental designs in early interventions settings [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Austin, TX, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/Final04.pdf
Kern, P., Fienman, R., Kaplan, R., Gardstrom, S., Clements-Cortés, A., & Taylor, D. (2011, November 16–20). Bringing the world to you: Reflections of the 13. World Congress of Music Therapy [Conference panel]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/12ProgramFINALweb.pdf
Kern, P. (2011, November 16–20). Staying informed: Online resources for autism spectrum disorders. [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/12ProgramFINALweb.pdf
Choi, B., Kern, P., Heiderscheit, A., Clements-Cortés, A., Behrens, G., & Gadberry, A. (2011, November 16–20). Bridging nations and ideas: Join the World Federation of Music Therapy today [Conference roundtable]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/11FinalProgram_web.pdf
McLaughlin, B., Kern, P., & Ahola, M. (2011, November 16–20). Celebrate: Multi-cultural songs for kids from one to twenty-one [Conference roundtable]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/11FinalProgram_web.pdf
Kern, P., & Humpal, M. (2011, November 16–20). Music for learning: Serving young children with autism spectrum disorders [Conference CMTE course]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/13/11FinalProgram_web.pdf
Kern, P. (Moderator), O’Callaghan, C., Kim, S., J., Trondalen, G., & Silverman, M. (2011, July 5–9). Music therapy and research [Congress spotlight session]. World Federation of Music Therapy 13th Congress, Seoul, South Korea. https://www.wfmt.info
Kern, P., Chung, H. W., Sato, K., Liu, M., Hsieh, F.-N., & Ng, W. F. (2011, July 5–9). The color of as: Music therapy for young children in Asia [Congress roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 13th Congress, Seoul, South Korea. https://www.wfmt.info
Kern, P. (Moderator), Threlfall, C, Turry, A., Kim, Y., & Register, D. (2011, July 5–9). Music therapy and special education [Congress spotlight session]. World Federation of Music Therapy 13th Congress, Seoul, South Korea. https://www.wfmt.info
Kern, P., & WFMT Council Members (2011, July 5–9). Stabilization-production-transition [Congress spotlight roundtable]. World Federation of Music Therapy 13th Congress, Seoul, South Korea. https://www.wfmt.info
Kern, P. (2011, July 5–9). Gaining knowledge: Using single subjects experimental designs to evaluate music therapy practice [Pre-congress seminar]. World Federation of Music Therapy 13th Congress, Seoul, South Korea. https://www.wfmt.info
Tait, A., Musco, E., & Kern, P. (2011). Community involvement and education with the arts [Lunch talk]. Northern Territory Library, Darwin, Australia.
Tait, A., Musco, E., & Kern, P. (2011, May 2–5). Re-imagining learning in the early years [Conference session]. International Society on Early Intervention 3rd International Conference, New York, NY, United States. http://depts.washington.edu/isei/conf_materials/2011_ISEI_Conference_Program.pdf
Register, D., Kern, P., Walworth, D., & Hanson-Abromeit, D. (2011, May 2–5). The impact of music on cognitive and social development in early intervention [Research symposium]. International Society on Early Intervention 3rd International Conference, New York, NY, United States. http://depts.washington.edu/isei/conf_materials/2011_ISEI_Conference_Program.pdf
Kern, P., & Fienman, R. (2011, April 1–2). Music therapy 360˚: Exploring international involvement [Conference session]. Western Region of the American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA, United States. https://www.wramta.org
Kern, P. (2011, March 5–6). Check it out: Music therapy worldwide [Conference keynote]. Inaugural Online Conference for Music Therapists, Annapolis, MD, United State. https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com
Kern, P. (2003, September). Phillip’s groove: Integrating young children with autism on childcare playgrounds [Conference session]. European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music 5th Triennial Conference, Hanover University of Music and Drama, Germany.
Kern, P. (2003, July). Music therapy: An integrated service in early intervention [Paper presentation]. University of Witten-Herdecke, Research Symposium II, Schaufenster der Forschung [Research Showcase], Witten-Herdecke, Germany.
Kern, P. (2003, July). Using music therapy with teachers and caregivers for the integration of young children with autism in a child care program [Poster presentation]. University of Witten-Herdecke 1st Poster Day, Witten-Herdecke, Germany.
Kern, P. (2003, July). Music therapy: A related service in early intervention [Paper presentation]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Division of Occupational Science, Department of Allied Health, Research Forum, Chapel Hill, NC, United States.
Wakeford, L., Kern, P., Barbre, L., Hendren, L., & Springer, S. (2004, October). Supporting outdoor play: A practical and evidence-based approach [Conference session]. North Carolina Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, Greensboro, NC, United States.
Kern, P. (2004, June 16–20). Making friends in music: Including children with autism in an interactive play setting [Congress keynote]. European Confederation of Music Therapy 6th Congress, Jyväskylä, Finland.
Kern, P. (2004, February). Music makes a difference: Music therapy as a service in EI/ECSE [Paper presentation]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Allied Health, TelAbility Project, Chapel Hill, NC, United States.
Kern, P. (2004, November 20–23). Let’s sing together! – Integrated therapy in early intervention [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MI, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/03_final_program.pdf
Kern, P. (2002, October 31–November 3). Hey You: Integrating children with autism on childcare playgrounds [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/02_final_program.pdf
Kern, P. (2002, July). Using music therapy with teachers and caregivers for the integration of children with autism in childcare centers [Paper presentation]. University of Witten-Herdecke, Research Symposium I, Schaufenster der Forschung [Research Showcase], Witten-Herdecke, Germany.
Kern, P. (2002, July 23–28). A song for you: Integrating children with autism in childcare classes [Congress session]. World Federation of Music Therapy 10th Congress, Oxford, England. https://www.wfmt.info
Kern, P. (2002, April). Using music therapy with teachers and caregivers for the integration of children with autism in childcare centers [Paper presentation]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Division TEACCH, Chapel Hill, NC, United States.
Kern, P. (2001, October 24–28). A song for you: Integration of children with autism in childcare classes [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/01_final_program.pdf
Kern, P., & Ellis, G. (2001, October 24–28). Get into the beat: Schlagwerk instruments and their therapeutic use [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, Pasadena, CA, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/01_final_program.pdf
Kern, P. (2001, June). The Sound Path: Finding my way on the playground [Congress paper]. European Confederation of Music Therapy 5th Congress, Naples, Italy.
Kern, P. (2000, July). Pediatric interventions [Panel presentation]. North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Division of Occupational Science, Department of Allied Health, Chapel Hill, NC, United States.
Kern, P. (2000, November 15–19). The Sound Path: Finding my way on the playground [Conference session]. American Music Therapy Association Annual Conference, St. Louis, MI, United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/00_final_program.pdf
Kern, P. (1999, July 19–22). The role of music therapy in early intervention: The case study of Denny [Clinical practice forum]. World Federation of Music Therapy 9th Congress, Washington, D.C., United States. https://www.musictherapy.org/assets/1/7/99_Final_Program.pdf
Thank you for your expertise, time, and support. What an absolute inspiration! Exciting times ahead for music therapy.
–Australian Music Therapy Association at EngagED 2023
Watch #ASD
Update 2023 Presented
By Dr. Kern
It’s more than making music! Dr. Petra Kern returns with an update on early childhood music therapy and autism spectrum disorder. Looking into essential questions, you will gain knowledge about latest research, evidence-based practices, and resources for providing effective services to children with ASD and their families.