dR. Petra Kern


Knowledge. Information. Inspiration.

Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, Young Exceptional Children, Young Children, Children & Families, the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, World Scientific, the Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, Music Therapy Today, imagine






Journal Articles, Books, Chapters, Proceedings

Seminal Work





Journal Articles

Kern, P. (2024). Music therapy in the USA: Transformation of the professional landscape. Musik und Gesundheit, 45, 25–26. https://reichert-verlag.de/de/buchreihen/musik_reihen/musik_musik_und_gesundsein

Kern, P. (2023). Music therapy 2.0: Expanding early childhood services in a digital world. In E. Phan Quoc, A. Burghardt-Distl, C. Flower, A. Oldfield & E. Hernandez-Ruiz (Eds.), Symposium Music Therapy with Families Proceedings (pp. 47–48). Music Therapy with Families Hub. https://doi.org/10.21939/mt-family_symp

Tague, D. B. & Kern, P. (2023). Seven best survey design tips. Proceedings of the 17. World Congress of Music Therapy. Music Therapy Today 18(1), 128–129. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Knott, D., Kern, P., & Block, S. (2023). Digital music therapy 2.0: Reflecting, connecting, and innovating with the global community. Proceedings of the 17. World Congress of Music Therapy. Music Therapy Today 18(1), 248–249. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., Register, D., Chimpiboon, P., Selvarajah, I. V., Ramesh, B., Putri, K. K., Philip, S., & Cruel, C. R. (2023). Better together: Building an international support network. Proceedings of the 17. World Congress of Music Therapy. Music Therapy Today 18(1), 252–253. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., & Ruffner, A. (2023). imagine presents…Reflecting to innovate in early childhood music therapy. Proceedings of the 17. World Congress of Music Therapy. Music Therapy Today 18(1), 199–200. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., & Gooding, L. (2023). Music therapy telepractice: Should I stay or should I go? Proceedings of the 17. World Congress of Music Therapy. Music Therapy Today 18(1), 248–249. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P. (2023). What does ChatGPT say? imagine 14(1), 61–69. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P. (2022). International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute (Report). imagine 13(1), 50–54. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2022). Students’ perception of online learning during COVID-19: A U.S.-based music therapy survey. Journal of Music Therapy, 59(2), 127–155 . https://doi.org/10.1093/jmt/thac003

Kern, P., & Furman, A. (2021). Inside early childhood music therapy: Exploring a flexible online service delivery model during COVID-19. imagine 12(1), 12-23. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P. (2021). Division for Early Childhood 36th Annual International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families (Report). imagine 12(1), 55-58. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Schneck, J. & Kern, P. (2020). Passport to excellence: CBMT’s international opportunities. Proceedings of the 16. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today, 17(1), 191–192. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2020). Mastering barriers: Responses from the global music therapy community. Special issue of Music Therapy Today, 17(1), 193–194. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., Viljoen, H., Birch, J., Foster, K., Riedl, H., Register, D., Sato, K., & Federico, G. (2020). Special issue of Music Therapy Today, 17(1), 254–255. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Detmer, M. R., Kern, P., Jacobi-Vessels, J., & King, K. M. (2020). Intergenerational music therapy: Effects on literacy, physical functioning, self-worth, and interactions. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 18(2), 175–195. https://doi.org/10.1080/15350770.2019.1670318

Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2019). Moving the profession forward: Governmental recognition, increased access, and competitive pay. Music Therapy Today, 15(1), 134–157. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., Brocqueville, R., & von Richter, V. (2018). Outdoor play: Making a playground accessible for children with multiple disabilities. imagine, 9(1), 34–37. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P., Sato, K. Federico, G., Poopityastaporn, P., & Stachyra, K. (2018). The color of us: Moving forward with inclusion programming worldwide. Proceedings of the 15. World Congress of Music Therapy. Music Therapy Today, 14(1), 31–32http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., Mori-Inoue, S., Sato, K., Yamaura, K., Shiokawa, K., Katagiri, J., & Chiashi, M. (2018). Intercultural competences: Inspiring students, practitioner, and academics across generations and nations. Proceedings of the 15. World Congress of Music Therapy. Music Therapy Today, 14(1), 33–34. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2017). Music therapy practice status and trends worldwide: An international survey study. Journal of Music Therapy, 54(3), 255-286. doi:10.1093/jmt/thx011

Detmer, M., & Kern, P., (2017). Young and old together: Implementing an intergenerational music therapy program. imagine 8(1), 60–65. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P., & Tague D. B. (2017). How do music therapists work with young children? Findings from an international survey of music therapists worldwide [Infographic]. imagine 8(1), 59. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P. (2017). International Meeting for Autism Research (Report). imagine 8(1), 18–20. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P., & Tague, D. B. (2017). It’s time to share the data: Outcomes of the international survey study. Proceedings of the 15. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today, 13(1), 238–239. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Detmer, M. R., Kern, P., Jacobi-Vessels, J., & King, K. M. (2017). Intergenerational music therapy: Bridging the generational gap through community-based music making. Proceedings of the 15. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today, 13(1), 219–220. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

DeLoach, D., & Kern, P. (2016). What prospective students should know about music therapy and early childhood [Infographic]. imagine 7(1), 105. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P. (2016). More than an event: Extending the learning national early childhood inclusion institute report. imagine 7(1), 18–19. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P. (2016). Organizations: At your service. imagine 7(1), 152–153. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P., & Fienman, R. (2016). Color of us: A note to […] from music therapists around the world. imagine 7(1), 141–147. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P., & Hayhurst, B. (2016). Skill generalization: Intentional use of apps in music therapy sessions and beyond. imagine 7(1), 98–101. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P. (2015). Organizational leadership development: Investing in students. Music Therapy Today, 11(2), 96–105. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Heiderscheit, A., Kern, P., Clements-Cortes, A., Gadberry, A. L., Milford, J., & Spivey, J. (2015). Advancing the profession: Strategic planning process. Music Therapy Today, 11(2), 25–41. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P. (2015). Inclusion practices in music therapy: Creating a win-win situation for everyone. imagine 6(1), 40–43. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P. (2015). Click it: Inclusion info at your fingertips. imagine 6(1), 126–127. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P. , Fienman, R. (2015). Color of us: Inclusion programming worldwide. imagine 6(1), 110–121. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P. (2014). Did you know? Clinical practice trends in music therapy and ASD. imagine 5(1), 46–47. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P. (2014). Empower me: Family-centered practice. imagine 5(1), 122-124.

Clements-Cortes, A., Kern, P., Behrens, G. A., Mercadal-Brotons, M., Stegemann, T., & Register, D. (2014). Diversity in education: Music therapy training in various modalities. In J. Fachner, P. Kern, & G. Tucek (Eds.). Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today 10(1), 242–243. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P. (2014). Teaching today and tomorrow: Rethinking education for an online world. In J. Fachner, P. Kern, & G. Tucek (Eds.). Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today 10(1), 30–31. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., Humpal, M., Whipple, J., Martin, L., Snell, A. M., Walworth, D., Carpente, J., Lim, H., & Wakeford, L. (2014). Good, better, best: Recommendations on evidence-based practice for children with autism spectrum disorder. In J. Fachner, P. Kern, & G. Tucek (Eds.). Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today 10(1), 254–255. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., Lindahl Jacobsen, S., Tuomi, K., Georgiadi, E., Stachyra, K., Flower, C., & Stegemann, T. (2014). The color or us: Music therapy for young children in Europe. In J. Fachner, P. Kern, & G. Tucek (Eds.). Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today 10(1), 256–257.http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info. 

Thomas, D., Abad, V., Lindahl Jacobsen, S., Ledger, A., & Kern, P. (2014). The economics of therapy: Clients, colleagues, cash, and competition. In J. Fachner, P. Kern, & G. Tucek (Eds.). Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today 10(1), 266–267. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P. (2013). Apps Starter Kit für Musiktherapeuten. [Apps starter kit for music therapists]. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 34(4), 370–176. https://www.vr-elibrary.de/journal/muum

Kern, P., Rivera, N. R., Chandler, A., & Humpal, M. (2013). Music therapy services for individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A survey of clinical practices and training needs. Journal of Music Therapy, 50(4), 274–303. https://doi.org/10.1093/jmt/50.4.274

Kern, P. (2013). Guest editorial. imagine.magazine. Perspectives 8(4), 5-6.

Kern, P. (2013). Resources within reason: Technology applications to support your work, Part 3. Young Exceptional Children, 16(3), 39–40. https://doi.org/10.1177/1096250613491122

Kern, P. (2013). Parents can: Ideas for parents of children with visual impairments. imagine 4(1), 93. http://www.imagine.musictherapy.biz

Kern, P. (2011). Cool music apps for little ones. imagine 2(1), 91. www.imagine.musictherapy.biz.

Kern, P., Register, D., Hanson-Abromeit, D., Walworth, D., Tait, A., & Musco, E. (2011). Third conference of the international society on early intervention (ISEI), New York City, May 2-5, 2011. imagine 2(1), 16–18. www.imagine.musictherapy.biz.

Kern, P., Chung H-W., Sato, K., Lui, M., Hsieh,F-N., & Ng, W. F. (2011). The color or us: Music therapy for young children in Asia. Music Therapy Today 9(1), 142–143. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., Wagner, G., Heiderscheit, A., Fienman, R., Sabbatella, P., Benkovitz, B., Magill, L., Choi, B., Fachner, J., Fouche, S. Tait, A., Loureiro,C., Sundar, S., Gilbertson, S., Tennant, M., & Gao, T. (2011). WFMT Council 2008-2011: Stabilization–Production–Transition. Music Therapy Today 9(1), 138–139. http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., & McLaughlin, B. (2011). Listen, Sing, Play: Nature-related, low-cost music activities. Teaching Young Children, 4(5), 27–29.

Kern, P. (2010). Evidence-based practice in early childhood music therapy: A decision-making process. Music Therapy Perspectives, 28(2), 116–123. https://doi.org/10.1093/mtp/28.2.116

Kern, P. (2010). Exploring Opportunities. Perspectives 5(4),19. Kern, P., & Radicati V. (2010). Headphone on. A music listening program for pediatric patients. imagine 1(1). www.imagine.musictherapy.biz.

Kern, P., Gilbertson, S., Behrens, G. A., Tait, A., Fouche, S., Tennant, M., Loureiro, C., Gao, T., & Sundar, S. (2010). Music Therapy Worldwide: Exploring Trends and Challenges in Research, Practice, and Education. The World Federation of Music Therapy. http://www.wfmt.info/WFMT/Article_by_Regional_Liaisons_files/Anniversary%20Paper_Regional%20Liaisons%202010.pdf

Kern, P. (2010). Historical Aspects of WFMT. Three core questions for seven presidents. The World Federation of Music Therapy. http://www.wfmt.info/WFMT/About_WFMT_files/Kern,%20P.%20%282010%29%20Historical%20Aspects%20of%20WFMT.pdf

Kern, P. (2009). Using music with young children during daily routines. The Eddie Report, 1(3), 6-7.

Kern, P., Catlett, C., & Winton, P. (2009). Resources within reason: Musical resources. Young Exceptional Children, 12(2), 38–39. https://doi.org/10.1177/1096250608328894

Kern, P. (2008). Singing our way through the day: Using music with young children during daily routines. Children & Families, 22(2), 50–56. 

Kern, P.,  Tocantins Sampaio, R., Gilbertson, S., Chung, H. W., & Tait, A. (2008). The color of us: Music therapy for young children around the world. Proceedings of the 12. World Congress of Music Therapy, (pp.484-498). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Libreria Akadia Editorial, July 2008.

Hoeft, L., & Kern, P. (2007). The effects of listening to recorded percussion music on well-being: A pilot study. Canadian Journal of Music Therapy, 12(2), 132–147. https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1P3-1444319871/the-effects-of-listening-to-recorded-percussion-music

Kern, P., & Wakeford, L. (2007). Supporting outdoor play for young children: The zone model of playground supervision. Young Children, 62(5), 12–16. https://www.naeyc.org/resources/pubs/yc

Kern, P., Wakeford, L. & Aldridge, D. (2007). Improving the performance of a young child with autism during self-care tasks using embedded song interventions: A case study. Music Therapy Perspectives, 25(1), 43–51. https://doi.org/10.1093/mtp/25.1.43

Kern, P., Wolery, M., & Aldridge, D. (2007). Use of songs to promote independence in morning greeting routines for young children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 37, 1264–1271. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-006-0272-1

Kern, P., & Aldridge, D. (2006). Using embedded music therapy interventions to support outdoor play of young children with autism in an inclusive community-based child care program. Journal of Music Therapy, 43(4), 270–294. https://doi.org/10.1093/jmt/43.4.270

Kern, P. (2004). Using a music therapy collaborative consultative approach for the inclusion of young children with autism in a childcare program [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany.

Kern, P. (2004). A Song for you: Integrating children with autism in childcare classes. In D. Aldridge, & J. Fachner (Eds.), Info CD ROM v. Conference Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of Music Therapy, (pp. 960–980). Witten, Germany: University of Witten-Herdecke, June 2004.

Kern, P. (2003). Phillip’s Groove! – Integrating young children with autism on childcare playgrounds. In R. Kopiez, A. C., Lehmann, C. Wolf, & I. Wolther (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM), (pp. 10–13). Hanover, Germany: Hanover University of Music and Drama, Germany, September 2003.

Kern, P., Marlette, S., & Snyder, A. (2002). Sounds on the playground. Alltogether Now! (ATN), 8(2), 3–5.

Kern, P. (2002). Music therapy a complementary treatment for tinnitus. Tinnitus Today, 27(4), 10–11. https://www.ata.org/members/tinnitus-today-latest-issue

Kern, P. (2002). The Sound Path – Finding my way in the playground. In D. Aldridge, & J., Fachner (Eds.), Info CD ROM iv, (pp. 747–760). Witten, Germany: University of Witten-Herdecke.

Kern, P., & Wolery, M. (2002). The Sound Path: Adding music to a childcare playground. Young Exceptional Children, 5(3), 12–20. https://doi.org/10.1177/109625060200500302

Kern, P., & Wolery, M. (2001). Participation of a preschooler with visual impairments on the playground: Effects of musical adaptations and staff development. Journal of Music Therapy, 38(2), 149–164. https://doi.org/10.1093/jmt/38.2.149

Kern, P. (2001). Auf der Suche nach dem amerikanischen Tinnitus [On search of the American Tinnitus]. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 22, 382–384.https://www.vr-elibrary.de/journal/muum

Kern, P. (1999). Musiktherapie: Globale Musik–Viele Stimmen, ein Lied. [Music therapy: Global music–many voices, one song]. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 20(3), 286-289. https://www.vr-elibrary.de/journal/muum

Kern, P. (1999). Neue Spiel-und Kinderlieder (Rezension). [New playsongs for children, (Book Review)]. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 29(3), 297–298. https://www.vr-elibrary.de/journal/muum

Kern, P. (1998). Singend, Spielend, Lernend. Spiel-und Musizierlieder (Rezension). [Sing, play, learn. Playsongs (Book Review)]. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 19(2), 130. https://www.vr-elibrary.de/journal/muum 

Books, Chapters, & Proceedings

Kern, P. (2024). Pippin the Piano: A musical journey from Germany to Italy [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/7w7EwnDQDXQ

Kern, P.  (Ed.) (2020). Colors of us: Early childhood music therapy around the world. De La Vista Publisher. https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1521528038

Kern, P., & Detmer, M. R. (2020). Me and my grandfriends: A intergenerational music therapy program [Guidebook]. De La Vista Publisher. https://books.apple.com/us/book/me-and-my-grandfriends/id1514508258

Kern, P.  (Ed.) (2019). Special Issue: Intervention ideas. Imagine the potential. De La Vista Publisher. 


Kern, P., & Humpal, M. (Eds.) (2019). Early childhood music therapy and autism spectrum disorder: Supporting young children and their families (2nd edition). Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

Kern, P. (2017). Educating students: Getting ready for the job market. In V. Abad, & D. Thomas (Eds.), The economics of therapy: Caring for clients, colleagues, commissioners and cash flow in the creative arts therapies (pp.106–128). Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Kern, P., & McLaughlin, B. (2015). Learn, sing, play.: Nature-related, low-cost music activities. In Teaching Young Children (Ed.). Expressing creativity in preschool (pp. 68–71). National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Fachner, J., Kern, P., Tucek, G. (2014) (Eds). Special Issue: Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy, Vienna/Krems, Austria. Music Therapy Today 10(1). http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info

Kern, P. (2014). Music therapy: Personalized interventions for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. In V. Hu (Ed.), Frontiers in autism research: New horizons for diagnosis and treatment (pp. 607–625). World Scientific Publishing Company.

Kern, P. & Humpal, M. (Eds.) (2012). Early childhood music therapy and autism spectrum disorders: Developing potential young children and their families. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Kern, P. (2012). Musicoterapia con niños pequeños con TEA y sus familias para una mejor calidad de vida. [Enhancing lives: Music therapy for young children with autism spectrum disorders and their families]. In M. Mercadal-Brotons, & P. Martí Augé, P. (Eds.). Música, musicoterapia y discapacidad [Music, music therapy and disability] (pp.195–207). Editorial Médica JIMS.

Kern, P., Fachner, J., Choi, B., &, Kim, Y. (2011) (Eds). Special Issue: Proceedings of the 13. World Congress of Music Therapy, Seoul, Korea. Music Therapy Today 9(1). http://musictherapytoday.wfmt.info.

Kern, P., & Snell, M. A. (2007). Songbook Vol. 1: Songs and laughter on the playground. De La Vista Publisher.

Kern, P. (2005). Single case designs in an interactive play setting. In D. Aldridge (Ed.), Case study designs in music therapy (pp. 119–144). Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 

Kern, P. (2005). Using a music therapy collaborative consultative approach for the inclusion of young children with autism in a child care program. In Berufsverband der Musiktherapeutinnen und Musiktherapeuten in Deutschland e.V. (BVM) [German Trade Federation of Music Therapy (BVM)], Jahrbuch Musiktherapie, Band 1, Forschung und Entwicklung. [Music Therapy Annual, Vol. 1., Research and Development] (pp. 135–145). Zeitpunkt Musik Reichert Verlag.

Dr. Kern is a highly accomplished, internationally visible scholar.

–Mark Wolery, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of Special Education at Vanderbilt University


Me and My Grandfriends

Design by music therapy experts, this guidebook provides research-based facts, themes and content for 12 engaging sessions. Interactive media such as colorful images, audio examples, and video demonstrations make the content easily accessible for you. Tips for unique adaptations (including Telehealth Ideas), review questions, and checklists support you to successfully implement this program.