by Petra Kern | Jun 28, 2023 | International, Music Therapy, Neurodevelopment, NICU, Research With decades of research, award-winning instructors, and hundreds of music therapists certified, the Institute for Infant and Child Medical Music Therapy led by Dr. Jayne Standley continues to shape...
by Petra Kern | Feb 23, 2023 | Music Therapy, NICU, Research, Webinars
Join EXPERTS presenting Music Therapy in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Based on the demand of previous attendees, Fellows of the National Institute for Infant & Child Medical Music Therapy are back to address 3 top topics requested. This series is co-hosted by...
by Petra Kern | Jan 12, 2023 | International, Music Therapy, Programs, Research, Webinars
Join WORLD-EXPERTS presenting Music Therapy for People with Dementia and their Caregivers. For the first time on music therapy consulting webinars, a diverse range of international speakers come together to talk about how music therapy can transform the lives of...
by Petra Kern | Dec 7, 2022 | imagine, Music Therapy, Parents, Students, Webinars
Dr. Petra Kern, the editor of the imagine magazine and her team launched the new imagine website! Website visitors can discover ePubs, webinars, 110 podcasts, 41 country reports, FAQs for families, the ParentsCan collection, a children’s section, curated...
by Petra Kern | Oct 27, 2022 | International, World Federation of Music Therapy
Dr. Petra Kern, the Chair of the #WCMT2023 International Scientific Committee and her team of 26 scientific committee members residing in 17 countries have completed the review of over 540 submissions from practitioners, educators, and researchers living...