Music Therapy Consulting’s Announcements, Events, and Meetings
#WCMT2023 Scientific Committee
Dr. Petra Kern, the Chair of the #WCMT2023 International Scientific Committee and her team of 26 scientific committee members residing in 17 countries have completed the review of over 540 submissions from practitioners, educators, and researchers living...
Webinars On-Demand
Upon request from service providers worldwide, Dr. Kern and the imagine team made the 2022 imagine webinar series available for on-demand streaming. Overall, 45 recorded live webinars from 2021-2022 are available for your professional development. Look around at...
Symposium: Music Therapy with Families
First international symposium on MUSIC THERAPY WITH FAMILIES in Vienna, Austria from 23–25 September 2022. Dr. Petra Kern contributed the online workshop "Music Therapy 2.0: Expanding Early Childhood Services in a Digital World." Participants from multiple European...
Spotlight Webinars: Series #3
STARTING ON AUGUST 30, 2022 Spotlight Webinar Series #3 features imagine authors who are contributing to this year’s imagine.magazine. Learn from experts about facts, guiding principles, and hands-on ideas to support the mental health and well-being of children,...
International NICU Online Training
In partnership with the National Institute for Infant and Child Medical Music Therapy at the Florida State University, Dr. Petra Kern will...
summer sale
Dr. Petra Kern and the imagine team are offering a summer sale of 10 imagine issues. Get your summer reading and earn CMTEs for only $9.99 per magazine. Learn about telepractice, technology and multimedia use with young children. Or, check out issues on inclusion,...
Walk and Talk
Dr. Petra Kern and Dr. Daniel Tague took delegates at #EMTC2022 on an inspiring walk to talk about boundary-breaking music therapy education. 27 delegates signed up for the event and joined them in discussing ground-breaking research outcomes from their recently...
Autism Weekly Podcast
This week, we welcome Dr. Petra Kern, a board-certified music therapist with over 28 years of experience to the podcast. Dr. Kern has taught over 400 students, contributed to 84 publications, and has given over 160 presentations. On today’s podcast, we will talk about...
2022 International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute
Dr. Kern presents at the International Early Childhood Inclusion Institute this week. This event has become one of the premier educational opportunities for anyone involved in the care and education of young children with disabilities in inclusive settings. Her topic...
Starting on April 5
In collaboration with Music Therapy Consulting, CBMT is offering a FREE spotlight webinar series designed to help music therapy students, certificants, and educators deepen their understanding of CBMT’s credentialing standards, exam development, competency testing,...
Study About Online Learning
Dr. Kern and Dr. Tague had their national student survey report published in the Journal of Music Therapy today. They say "We are so excited to share the American Music Therapy Association Students perception of online learning and hope that this information will...
Music Therapy Consulting presents…
2022 Spotlight Webinars starting February 22, 2022. Dr. Jayne Standley, the author of Evidence-Based Practice in Music Therapy: Transfers from Research to Clinical Settings and her team at the National Institute for Infants & Child Medical Music Therapy at Florida...